Monday, August 4, 2014

The Time Really Flies

Yesterday my baby girl turned three. Three years old! How did that happen? My baby, my only girl, my very last child ever, and she is definitely not a baby anymore. My little ball of sass is growing up more and more every day. She's potty trained (finally!), and we are now in the process of changing all of her baby furniture out for big-girl furniture. She has opinions and ideas all her own and she damn near impossible to argue with (maybe because Charming Husband spoils her rotten? Probably). Three is a hard age, it was for both the boys and it doesn't look like little miss is going to be any easier, but I'm still pretty excited to see her personality develop. Having three kids is a challenge in and of itself, but I can say with absolute certainty that my life would not be complete if we hadn't added our little girl to the brood. I can't wait to take her shoe shopping and to talk about boys and build an amazing mother/daughter relationship. But for now, I'm more than happy to fight about bath time and how wearing underwear is an absolute must, and hopefully we solve THAT problem before she hits adolescence!

1 comment:

  1. Wait until she hit her teenaged years. That's when you really start reeling at how fast time flies.
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