Friday, July 23, 2010

I'm Tired. And Cranky.

The little guy has a fever of 103. He woke up 4 times last night to cry and hit me in the face. Since he is sick I drugged him gave him a kiss and the appropriate dose of Tylenol. He decided 5:30 was a good time to wake up this morning, so I have been up since 2 hours before my brain started working. Tired does not begin to describe how I feel today. But Charming Husband came home to take over, so now I get to stare at my computer at work for the next 4 hours! Lucky me. I also left my credit card at home so I couldn't get a Red bull. and I'm hungry. I need a nap and a cocktail. Woe is me.

3 comments: said...

aw... hope little guy is feeling better by the time you get home... and that someone can loan you a few bucks for your red bull or a snack...

Christy said...

I remember those days. Even though my youngest is now 24, I have not forgotten what it's like to have a sick kid.

Stacie said...

Hope your little one gets to feeling better and you catch up on some much needed sleep.