Monday, August 20, 2012

Wine and Smiles

After everyone else in my family fell asleep tonight I decided to open a bottle of Chateau St. Michelle Riesling. While doing so, I massacred the cork and the general concensus (aka Facebook) told me that I should drink the whole bottle. Which I have done. And loved every last drop.  As I sit here in this hovel spectacular hotel room, I am looking at my amazing boys, one of which turns 3 in roughly 17 hours. These last 6 weeks have been trying to say the very least. I have had days where all I want to do is cry and scream and move back home to Colorado. But as I sit here half-foxed in my hovel spectacular hotel room, all I can do is smile. The stress of this move sits on my shoulders. The fear of the unknown sits in my peripheral. The potential of the future sleeps peacefully in front of me. These children of mine are truly amazing. They make all of this more than worth it.

I came across a blog recently of a woman who has chosen to remain child-free, and while I absolutely respect her choice to do so, I am ever so glad that I chose the opposite route. Several other moms commented on this blog about how miserable they always are and how they wish they had never had children. 6 and a half years and 3 kids later, I can honestly say I don't for 1 second regret the path my life has taken. Like I said I have my days, but at the end of every one of them I am so thankful for these gifts I've been given. Tomorrow (or later today I guess) marks 3 years since I brought home my 2nd beautiful little boy. He is sweet and smart, rambunctious and energetic, frustrating and oh so amazing. He introduces his aunt as his "friend Aunt D". He says "I yuv you" at the end of every phone call. He can easily enter the password to my phone and IPad. He plays too rough with his sister and refuses to potty train. He hates bedtime and loves broccoli. He is fearless and sweet and brilliant and he is my little guy. No, I don't regret for even 1 second having these wonderful children of mine.

I mean honestly, who could ever want anything else than this every day?

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